Friday, February 1, 2013

Americans take pride in their culture. Baseball, mom and apple pie have been staples in American culture for much of its history. The emphasis on freedom and patriotism has lead many people in the United States that their country is "the best." But culture is a constantly evolving thing, and I believe that technology is the driving force behind that change. Now I'm not saying that The United States is no longer "the best," but I am saying that with the advent of different technologies the culture of The United States is beginning to blur with that of the rest of the world. This would make every one "the best!"

Technology has connected people in ways that were never before possible. For example, right now I can, (if I really wanted to prove my point!), go online and find friends in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. I can also go online and find music, art and recipes from all over the world. Any person with access to the Internet also has access to the cultures of every person around the world. It is because of this connectivity that culture no longer has geographic limitations. the cultures of the world are beginning to blend into one world culture.

There are some who oppose the change that technology brings. Some people are repulsed by how more and more children play with video games and mp3 players than with jump ropes or hopscotch. Other people believe that our reliance on technology makes human beings lazy and stupid. (Is Technology Ruining Society?). They may be right in their beliefs. In American culture, obesity is a growing problem, and social networking is growing out of control. However, change is a natural part of cultural development, and I believe that this is positive growth.

The abilities that technology provides give us clear windows into the lives of others around the world. Young people in countries all over the world listen to the same music, play the same video games and watch the same movies. This generation of people raised with technology gives me hope that one day, the lines between borders will not be drawn so boldly. And that we will no longer be separated by simple things like where we were born.


  1. I like your view on the way technology is shaping the world recently and to come. I too agree that the expanse of technology is causing the geographic borders to diminish and the cultures of other places to blend together. I personally love the fact that I can go online and look up an authentic pasta recipe from Italy and try and cook up my own Italian dish. Although I think this intertwining is a good thing, I don't believe that just looking at the culture online or trying the recipe yourself is enough to truly understand the culture. Even though we can reach into other cultures through the web I hope that we as a people don't settle and say that is enough, but that we still travel and get to truly immerse oneself and have that authentic Italian from those that have been making it for generations. I guess what I'm saying is I hope people in the future don't feel content to just experience the world behind a desk at a computer, but still truly, physically experience culture around them and elsewhere.

  2. I like your point that culture is no longer bound by technology. I have friends from Brazil that use facebook and youtube so I definitly agree with the fact that everyones culture is becoming a little more similar.
